Vela News — Vela Labs

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How to photograph a space launch

How to photograph a space launch

If you are a member of the media and have access to one of the highly restricted launch sites around the world for placing a remote camera, the best way to trigger your camera is by the intense sound created by a rocket at liftoff.  I am often asked how I set up my remote cameras and what settings I use for varying light conditions and different rocket types. The following is a crash course for setting up your next remote camera!

Shipping update

Hi all,

Just a quick update on shipping. We have now shipped to all backers in the UK and the rest of Europe, plus a small number from elsewhere. That's over half of all backers. Several have now arrived, so hopefully we'll be seeing the first photos soon! The next batch should be arriving from the factory tomorrow or Friday, so I hope to have the first large batch of the US shipments out this week, and clear the remainder of the Kickstarter orders by early next week. The pre-orders will probably take another week, at which point we'll switch from pre-ordering via the shop to actually ordering and fulfilling the same day! 

So far, all orders have been shipping without Vela Pops, as I've still not finished the firmware fixes. Packing and shipping the Vela One Kickstarter orders has been a lot more time consuming than I'd thought, so I've not had a great deal of time to work on it. Luckily the rest of today and tomorrow are now clear so I can devote myself to fixing the bugs. I'm sorry for the delays there. I'll be shipping them out immediatey to everyone who's already been sent the Vela One, and sending the rest along with the Vela One flashes as they're dispatched.

Thanks everyone for your patience. They should be in your hands soon!

- Matt

It's here

It's here

Fifteen months since I founded the company, nine months since the Kickstarter finished, three months since the estimated shipping date (sorry!), the first Vela One high speed flash has arrived from the factory and is sitting on my desk. And it's beautiful, and it works. Woo-hoo! The factory is now ramping up production, and should have the hundred Kickstarter units, plus dozens more for pre-orders ready to ship next week. I